Business Service Desk

We can connect you with our trusted partners from several countries. Get the accurate information you need for your company's expansion needs.

Going to enter the international market?

The information we provide will allow you to work with staff in SFAI Global network immediately. We can give you information about starting a company, regardless of whether you are working with an employee, seconded employee, self-employed person, or a director.

Business services that our partnership can provide:

  • Company setup and licenses
  • Secretarial services including directorship services.
  • Bookkeeping and Accounting.
  • Taxation Support including Returns, Compliance and transfer pricing.
  • VAT refund wherever it is applied like European Union countries.
  • MIS reporting and Management Dashboard
Other Services
Competency Modeling
Instrumental behaviors that represent knowledge, skills, and other characteristics.
Competency based Assessment
This competency needs to be interpreted in the context of employees' tasks at different levels.
Remote Working Optimization
Apply with affordable open-source technology with us
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