Tax Compliances

Knowing the fact that taxes can be so complicated, and also because taxation can be a major cost to your business. This kind of situation could be managed well if tax obligations are implemented properly and on time.

Tax compliance for monthly withholding and VAT

Organisations of all sizes can benefit from outsourcing their payroll to us as well as from our payroll solutions. From small start-ups to multinational corporations, our aim is always the same: To adapt our service to our clients needs.

How we work

The primary purpose of cooperating with us is to ensure that all employees are paid accurately and timely with the correct withholdings and deductions and to ensure the remittance in a timely manner. This includes salary payments, income tax, deduction from a paycheck, and BPJS related (including as a liaison with BPJS Manpower & Health).

Payroll BPO Workflow

These processes above require a special investment of time, knowledge of local regulations, and taxation. We provide a partnership to understand your company's needs. That is one of our principles also the benefits that you can get by trusting us.

Other Services
Organization Culture
Culture in organizational behavior tends to apply to the staff's and workplace culture.
Organization Restructuring
It revolves changes in decision making, information flow, and management styles.
Psychological Test Tools
A quick assessment test needs to be developed to ease the HR burden in selecting candidates.
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