Zero Trust Security

A zero trust security model establishes trust in users and devices through authentication and continuous monitoring of each access attempt, with custom security policies that protect every application.

Zero trust approach

Traditional security approaches assume that anything (devices, users, infrastructure, etc.) inside the corporate network can be trusted. The reality is that this assumption no longer holds true.

Now more than ever, employees and users have more control over the applications they use. Data and applications are no longer behind the firewall, and users can connect directly to work applications over the internet using personal owned devices.

Zero trust addresses this deperimeterization by

  • Ensure only the right users and secure devices can access applications.
  • Secure all connections within your apps, across multi-cloud.
  • Secure all user and device connections across your network, including Internet of Things
  • Lack of time and energy for the growth of the business itself;

A core tenant of zero trust is that security is not a one-size-fits-all proposition, even within the same organization. Zero trust applies anywhere an access decision is made. When approaching security design using the zero trust model, it’s easiest to break adoption down into three pillars:

  • Ensure only the right users and secure devices can access applications.
  • Secure all connections within your apps, across multi-cloud.
  • Secure all user and device connections across your network, including IoT.

The massive demand to support remote work and adopt cloud environments amplifies the need for security in the workforce, so that’s where many organizations begin their adoption of a zero trust security.

Other Services
Tax Administrative Compliance
Prepare tax administration in accordance with the latest regulations
Recrutment and Selection
Large supply of workforce has allowed organization to select the best talent.
Payroll Process Outsourcing
Outsource your payroll and income tax calculation to payment transfer.
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